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Anna Linberger / Anchi from the moon

Personality is like an old quilt; it needs to be cut up and then sewn back together to make you like it. So did I. 


In 2024, my path has changed a lot from making dolls to creating paintings. Over the years, I have redefined who I was and who I have become and realized that what I was doing before did not reveal me as an artist as much as I would have liked. This rethinking led me to a new direction in my art and brought with it new themes to explore in my work.

What is personality, what influences its formation, and most importantly, what lies at its core? What is unchangeable in the concept of “person”, what is the essence of such a phenomenon as “self”? The search for answers to these questions is the root of my creativity.

In my artworks, I dive into the depths of my psyche to explore the space of the inner world, the collective unconscious. I look at how external and internal factors influence personality formation, and through the lens of perception, I bring my findings to the surface of the canvas.


When I delved into the source of my creativity, things appeared in my consciousness that I did not know existed, and then I had a reasonable question: who creates these images, me as a person, or are the images creating themselves, like photographs of my inner world shown to me through "my" own creativity. This communication between the inner and the outer, through visual images, cannot help but be fascinating and addictive. In my inner research, I came to the question of the connection between the image and its name, the influence of thoughts on the formation of thought forms, and their influence on the formation of personality (and/or vice versa).


As a kaleidoscope is made up of small different pieces that change as they move through space and time, the subject/object changes, creating new patterns every moment. This movement is what I try to capture in my paintings, to show the multi-layered nature of the visual image, whose seemingly static nature is only an illusion.

For me, visual art is music frozen in the present, and my challenge was the desire to capture the process of movement and, at the same time, to stop it for a moment, to allow the viewer to examine it in detail, to get away from the immersion in the meaning of the image, but, at the same time, not to deny its presence. This is how the style of painting in which I work was born.



2013 - School of Fine Arts and Design, Berlin, Graduation: Illustrator
2009 - BEST-Sabel Art school for design, Berlin


2014 - Max-Oscar-Arnold-Kunstpreis  Neustadt b.Coburg 2014
2013 - Max-Oscar-Arnold-Kunstpreis  Neustadt b.Coburg 2013
2012 - Max-Oscar-Arnold-Kunstpreis  Neustadt b.Coburg 2012


Selected Exhibitions: 

2016 LDoll Festival, Lyon, France
2016 Spring DOLL Festival. Münster Germany
2015 International Moscow Exhibition "Art of the Doll" Moscow, Russia
2014 Max-Oscar-Arnold-Kunstpreis  Neustadt b.Coburg 2014, Germany
2013 Max-Oscar-Arnold-Kunstpreis  Neustadt b.Coburg 2013, Germany
2013 Persönliche Ausstellung, Galerie Vinogradov, Berlin, Germany
2012 Puppenausstellung in Museum der Deutschen Spielzeugindustrie.Neustadt b.Coburg, Germany
2012 Max-Oscar-Arnold-Kunstpreis  Neustadt b.Coburg 2012
2012 Moscow Fairy, Moskau, Russia
2011 VII International Doll Salon, Moskau, Russia
2011 Max-Oscar-Arnold-Kunstpreis  Neustadt b.Coburg 2011, Germany
2011 Moscow fairy. Moskau, Russia
2009 XII International exhibition of dolls in Central House of Painter, Moskau, Russia
2009 Doll time. St. Petersburg, Russia
2009 Moscow fairy. Moskau, Russia
2008 IV International Doll Salon, Moskau, Russia

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